Joooid - Android client for Joomla

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Joooid is an Android client for Joomla: it has been created to create and manage articles from your Android device.

Create or edit articles with Article Editor, you can change title, alias, category, status, access level, frontpage and you can also schedule publishing. Create content with the WYSIWYG with html markup and links, in full screen!

Add images and galleries using pictures from your sdcard. Add youtube videos simply copying the video url in the youtube layout or share images and videos with Joooid directly from Image Gallery or Youtube App.

Geotag your articles, embed maps with your current position using GPS/Network or set the map coordinates with the handy map picker. You can also share a location to Joooid directly from Google Maps application.

Use the article manager that allows to browse, preview, edit, edit local copies, publish or trash articles and an utility that uploads files from the Android device directly into your Joomla website.

See all Joooid features at 

To start using Joooid remember to setup your Joomla installation following these tutorials :

Remember to UPDATE your OLD COMPONENT/PLUGIN to the new 2.0 release you can find them at

If you have issue in login BEFORE RATE 1 STAR please give us a chance to check what's wrong in your installation

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